This word means a really big deal for students.
During the examination weeks,the students, of course, will prepare themselves with tons of exercises and revisions.
In English subject, for example, students tend to do the objective questions during their revision rather than answering the essay questions, especially the formatted essays.
Why is it so?
Why is it so?
Most of the students avoid working on formatted essay questions simply because they find it difficult to construct sentences and arrange their points accordingly.
Due to these difficulties,writing essays has become a problem to most of the students.

How to help these students write their essays smoothly?
Here are several useful and simple steps in writing formatted essays.
1- Choose a topic and make it specific. For example, instead of writing on 'What are Drugs?', you can proceed with 'What is Heroin?'. Heroin is a type of drugs, thus you have actually made your topic more specific. Talking about drugs will make it difficult for you as the word itself is general, and thus you will need more than 10 pages to elaborate on examples and types of drug. This will not suit your required length of essays (based on schools standard questions). It will be a lot more easier for you to elaborate on only one type of drug.
2- Write all the points freely on your sketch paper. This will help you to sort out all the significant points that are needed in your essay. Start to prioritize your points and arrange them orderly. Three points would be sufficient for an essay. Choose three significant points. Put the most significant point as the third point in your essay.
3- Start forming paragraphs. Start writing your introductory paragraph, followed by another 3 paragraphs (each with your chosen points and elaborations) and last but not least, your closing paragraph. Here's a trick, use Topic Sentence in your introductory paragraph. This 'Topic Sentence' is used to clarify the main ideas of your essay. What you are going to talk about in your first, second and third paragraphs will be presented in the Topic Sentence so that your readers will be aware of what your essay is mainly about.
It is as simple as ABC!
Follow the three simple steps above, and you will be able to produce a good essay in your exams. It does not matter how many pages your essay takes. You will be just fine when you are able to clarify your points and make your examiners' life easier while marking your essay.
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